For the foreseeable future

Notes on week 908

With these weeknotes I publicly track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.

Last week the video of my TEDxDelft talk was published, nearly two months after the event. Other than some heavy breathing and a few too many ums I’m happy with the result, I think it explains the hybrid writer concept in a personal and well-structured way. I’ll be using this for the foreseeable future to try and get my point accross. If you haven’t seen the talk yet, check it out below. And feel free to spread the word by sharing the video in your network.

The next milestone is The Future of Publishing Summit on June 24th, where I will present some of my hybrid writing research as well as the Geometry Girl prototype that we’re working on as I write this.

Last week Maurice at Codeglue continued the programming part, SonicPicnic delivered some preliminary audio tracks, and I visited Saskia at her new shared workspace at Makerversity in Amsterdam, to discuss colors and symbol animations. I also met up with Nina Polak, one of the writers on my board of advisors, to get her feedback on the app’s current state.

What else? I…

Average step count per day: 12.371
Average staircase count per day: 11
Average sleep per night: 5:54
Average weight: 87,0 kg