Rewrote and delivered

Notes on week 924

With these weeknotes I publicly track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.

Last week I rewrote and delivered the script for the Antegods comic, which artist Robin Keijzer then started work on. This week he’ll finish the sketched page layouts and start the line work. The character designs he did early last week already looked amazing.

Control Conference

I also finished the slides for my RIVE talk, which I gave at the Control Conference on Wednesday, here in Utrecht, in Tivoli Vredenburg (photo by Arno Landsbergen). The room was nicely filled and people seemed to be engaged; I’d love to do the RIVE talk more often. Later in the day I presented a track (featuring Manuel Kerssemakers of Abbey Games, Stephanie van Lith – van Geel of Game Drive and Joris Dormans of Ludomotion) and attended the speakers’ dinner.

The rest of last week was mostly spent on my new Creative Industries Fund NL reading app grant application. Menno helped me out a lot, and I sent the plan to various third parties for feedback and commitment. On Friday I had coffee with Sytze, who is also participating. This week I’ll be able to finish it all and send it off. Hopefully.

What else? I…

Average step count per day: 7.666
Average staircase count per day: 9
Average sleep per night: 6:14
Average weight: 87,5