Young enough to feel old on the internet

Notes on week 898

With these weeknotes I publicly track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.

Last week marked an anniversary: on Saturday, April 2, it was 20 years ago that I started my first website. It was about a game I was looking forward to, then known as Zelda 64, released two and a half years later as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was 15, going on 16, and I’d been online for just a few months. I dove deep into Nintendo fandom at the time, meeting fellow fans through excruciatingly slow HTML chat boxes, which was nonetheless a huge part of the fun.

Logo ZHQ.comMy site, The Unofficial Zelda Headquarters, was based on another site, The Unofficial Nintendo 64 Headquarters, by a guy named Scott McCall. But it was also a continuation of the comic books I’d been making, with cartoon drawings of Zelda characters as well as badly rendered 3D logo’s.

‘ZHQ’ made me some advertising money, and writing for it lead to games journalism, which in turn lead to almost everything else. I stumbled upon a (Dutch) blog post about this period in my life from 13 years ago; back then I considered it “unbelievable” that all this happened as many as 7 years ago. I guess I’m young enough to feel old on the internet.

The week was a bit compressed, as Monday was part of the extended Easter holiday. Work-wise, it was all about my talk at TEDxDelft on April 15. There was a coaching session on Tuesday, and a speaker’s lunch / medium-scale practice session on Saturday. It was nice to get a sense of what other people are doing, and I received a stack of highly useful feedback forms. As for the talk itself, I changed the third act around, and worked on audio and visuals. Surely that will continue into this week and the next.

What else? I…

Average step count per day: 9.086
Average staircase count per day: 13
Average sleep per night: 6:34
Average weight: 86,3 kg