Week 706
- 706 31 juli 2012 EN
What’s this? I’m blogging about my work on a weekly basis – a simple way to track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.
Last week, I did some interviews for my upcoming Bright report about Minecraft, and wrote most of the article.
As I was deep in Minecraft anyway and heard so many great anecdotes, I wrote a Next Level column about this game for the Tech spread in nrc.next, which appeared on Friday, alongside my review of the Nintendo 3DS XL. Which I like.
I tidied up my tax administration and declared my VAT’s for the second quarter of this year.
I installed Mountain Lion on my Macs, which I spent too much time tinkering with, of course, as I’m one of these Apple fanatics you keep hearing about.
On Tuesday, I met up with Nick Kivits, a fellow freelance journalist.
On Wednesday I met up with Jelle van der Ster of Setup.
On Friday I met up with fellow author Martijn Knol.
And I wrote!