Week 743
- 743 15 april 2013 EN
What’s this? I’m blogging about my work on a weekly basis – a simple way to track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.
Last week I spent the lion’s share of my uptime on Hubbub’s Project Kaigara. Or maybe I should call it ‘Ripple Effect’ from now on, as project lead Kars teased our game on Instagram. Last week I finally got a firm grasp on the project, which was not a minute too soon, as I’ll be finishing the content for the game’s pilot this week. As I type this, I’m installing my own development environment, so I’ll be able to commit my copy and bits of HTML to the codebase via GitHub, which I’m weirdly excited about.
I played and wrote a short review of NimbleBit’s Nimble Quest (which didn’t appear in nrc.next until today). The paper published Harry Hol’s short piece on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, which I edited, on Tuesday.
I also finished a new retro column for the Dutch Official PlayStation Magazine, about Metal Gear Solid 2 and stealth games in general, in relation to the principles of surprise and tension.
On Thursday, I wrote my second contribution to Your Daily Victory Boogie Woogie: Een mooi shot van jou met het schip achter je. On Friday I met with the rest of the editorial team: a table full of writer types, some shy, some full of literary vigor. The first bottle of red wine was opened just ten minutes into the meeting. It felt like a re-engagement with the literary scene, despite not drinking the wine.
Other than that, I played administrative catch-up. For example, I got my email inbox down to thirty: the last [insert random value] are always the hardest.