Week 823
- 823 27 oktober 2014 EN
What’s this? I’m blogging about my work on a weekly basis – a simple way to track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.
Last week was rather slow, as it was autumn break for my wife and kids, and I felt I should check out this whole ‘not doing too much’ thing. Regardless, I spent some time sorting through notes and messages, sending out some proposals and, OK, doing other work stuff too.
On Monday, I met up with writer/poet Dennis Gaens to discuss the hybrid writer thing, and possibly lecturing about it.
That night, I interviewed Thomas van Aalten for the Hybrid Writer’s Podcast (in Amsterdam) and on Wednesday I did the same with Stefan Popa (in Baarn). I published a new episode last week, too: the one with Dirk van Weelden.
On Tuesday, I edited the last batch of short game reviews for nrc.next: Bayonetta 2 by Jurjen Tiersma and The Evil Within by Rogier Kahlmann. They were published the next day, though(a few older ones are still in the pipeline. From now on, we’re doing longer games articles in the newspaper, less often.
That night, I got together with Geert Nellen to play Kentucky Route Zero episode 3, which we’d been meaning to tackle for months, but didn’t because of various kinds of busyness. Unfortunately I think it’s fair to say we were both somewhat underwhelmed, especially after the most wonderful episode 2.
On Thursday, I rewrote the Finland story I’ve been collaborating on with David Nieborg. It’s hopefully ready for prime time now, so it could suddenly appear in NRC in the near future. I also did a lot of work on my essay about Dropstuff project The Bridge, but couldn’t quite finish it. That one’s been taking a lot longer than planned, and I really want to get it done this week.
That night, for the first time in a while, I did #thursdev again, my game development hobby night with Hessel Bonenkamp (although we used long-distance internet techniques to do so). I worked on a grid-based movement and collision system, basically, mostly to get started with Game Maker again.