Week 672
- 672 6 december 2011 EN
What’s this? I’m blogging about my work on a weekly basis – a simple way to track and archive whatever it is I spend my time on.
Like the week before, last week was short. On Friday I left for a long and exhausting Sinterklaas weekend with my family. My youngest daughter got sick and didn’t sleep much, so neither did my wife and I. At least I got my daily diary for 2012, so I don’t have to get one myself.
Otherwise: lots of meetings, not a lot of writing. There were no publications, as my Super Mario 3D Land review in nrc.next was postponed until yesterday.
I did help Kars Alfrink of Hubbub rewriting the voice-over for the video promo he’s doing of the project we worked on together. This didn’t take a lot of time, but the end result will be perceivably better.
I also spent some time importing my projects and notes into Workflowy, an intuitive web-based outlining tool. Don’t know if it’ll stick, but I’ll never know if I don’t try. Also, no tool (that I am aware of) helps me comb through all my stuff as well as feeding it all into something new.
So, meetings:
- Got acquainted with Tessa Sterkenburg of The Next Speaker. I’ve been building up the amount of speaking gigs I do, and want to do even more. Perhaps Tessa can help me with this.
- Prepared for our item during Freemote, with Javier Sancho. We decided to tackle the Virtual Boy, perhaps the most beautiful failure in video game history.
- Met with Yorick Goldewijk of SonicPicnic for our sensory game. The plan is to present our story proposal to the rest of the team before the end of the year.
- Met with Zuraida Buter for what will surely be an intensely literary and artistic games magazine. We came up with a theme for our zero issue, and some good ideas riffing off the theme.
In closing, I’m thinking I should take it slow for the rest of December. If all this stuff takes off, 2012 will be pretty wild.